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This picture has been identified as being that of an Old Settlers Meeting. My grandmother had the picture and on the back someone had carefully identified the men, probably my great grandmother. It includes the 21st Illinois Governor Joseph W. Fifer, 1889-1893, a Republican. This narrows the time frame. The two Old Settlers meetings held in Mt. Pulaski during that period do not include a mention of Governor Fifer being present. Whether this is an "old settlers" meeting or just a political meeting I don't know. I don't believe some of these people classify as "old settlers." I further note that prominent Democrats of the era are not present. While it looks like the meeting was on the courthouse lawn to many it has been identified as being in front of the Beidler home on Marion Street. That would make sense to me. Where there is disagreement about names I have included both.

Front Row: Samuel or D.K. Turley, John Scroggin, Ward Clark, L. K. Scroggin, Governor Fifer, Jabez Capps, William Donnan, Judge Fisher, Henry A. Baldwin from Cornland. Second Row: Adam or C. P. Schafer, Dick Templeman, William Munce, Sylvester Strong of Atlanta, S. Linn Beidler, Dr./Major Wemple, Rev. Slagle, Captain David Van Hise, John or N. P. Gasaway, J. O. Alexander, William Uhle, Dr. Phillip Oyler, James Muldoon, Frank Z. Beidler. Standing, rear, Carl Dubace, Rell Beidler, Donald C. Beidler, Robert B. Beidler. Children: Clarence Goodrich, Paul F. Beidler, Bessie Olyer, Donald C. Beidler, Robert B. Beidler. The picture was taken by Marshall A. Duboce.
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