Sheryl McClure, who has no ancestors or relatives in Logan County, has generously donated transcriptions from Stringer's History of Logan County published in 1911 to Logan County ILGenWeb.
These accounts of the Old Settlers Association meetings are an interesting slice of history and are particularly notable for the names of the early settlers.
As the years speed by, the ranks of those, who braved the dangers of pioneer life, are becoming rapidly depleted. It is over ninety years since the first white settler pitched his cabin on Logan County soil, and none who settled, prior to the early twenties, are left to tell the story. It is nearly eighty years since "the deep snow" and the few who survive, who resided in the county, at the time of that event, were then in their childhood. Men and women, who came to Logan County, before the Civil War, are now classed as old settlers, and even these are rapidly passing away. Viewing the mutations of time, it is not strange that many years ago, the surviving pioneers, were wont to gather together, in annual reunions, to recount the trials and tribulations of early times, meet old friends and "swap" reminiscences of the days, when "the wilderness was king." This disposition to assemble occasionally, in memory of "auld lang syne," gave rise to the organization of the Old Settlers' Association of Logan County, whose annual meetings, now usually held at Mt. Pulaski, are so well attended, by young and old.
The first reunion of old settlers occurred at Mt. Pulaski, October 1, 1873, and was a most enjoyable occasion. Notice of this meeting had been given in the public press and there was a large attendance. The exercises were held in the court house square at Mt. Pulaski, where a large platform had been erected and where seats had been built to accommodate the people. Upon the platform, were seated the following old settlers: John Buckles, J. T. Hackney, Rev. John England, Reuben B. Ewing, Christopher C. Ewing, C. W. Clark, William Allen, Jesse Lucas, John E. Hoblit, Mrs. Robert Buckles, Mrs. Carter Scroggin, Mrs. James McGraw, Mrs. Julia Keys and others. Short addresses were made at this meeting by Rev. John England, William Allen, James Randolph, Reuben B. Ewing, Fred Joynt, all of Logan County; Strother Jones, of Sangamon County and James McGraw, of DeWitt County. Judge Ewing, in his address, compared existing conditions with the past, the social life of the early days with the superficial social life of the present and claimed that, in early days, there existed more brotherly feeling, more of charity and less of selfishness than to-day. He said: "We had more enjoyment in the days of puncheon floors and clapboard doors, than we witness to-day among those who tread on velvet, recline upon cushioned couches and are clothed in purple and fine linen. Life then seemed to be more real and purer. Human kind possessed more goodness; virtue had a higher value and manhood was attuned to a higher key." He then warned the young of the dangers of extravagance and reckless living, which he believed was calculated to undermine our institutions and bring ruin upon the country and its people. "I am convinced of one thing," said he, "and that is this, that if disaster ever comes to the state and the country, it will be due to the prodigality of the times." On the stand were two plows, one of the pioneer pattern and one of the modern make, showing the improvement made in agricultural implements. The pioneer plow was the property of Rev. John England, and was made by him, at an early day. Mr. England, in his address, took these two plows for his text.
So successful was the first old settlers' meeting that it was decided to hold a second one, and, although no organization had yet been formed, a second meeting was called for October 1, 1874, to take place at Mt. Pulaski. This meeting was held at Capp's Park and was reasonably well attended. Addresses were made by Rev. John England, James W. Randolph, William Alien, D. W. Clark, L. P. Matthews, Ezra Boren and others. Dr. Alexander Shields, one of the early proprietors of Mt. Pulaski, a resident of Springfield, was present on this occasion and gave some reminiscences of early days, when Mt. Pulaski was a struggling frontier hamlet. He also gave an account of his location in Springfield in 1835, recited political incidents which occurred in the "log-cabin campaign of 1840" and gave interesting reminiscences of Lincoln, Logan, Stuart, Baker and other legal lights, whom he well knew. He said that in 1835, it actually rained forty days and forty nights, until everything was afloat. At this meeting, it was decided to make these old settlers' gatherings an annual fixed event in the county's calendar. David W. Clark was made president and the meeting adjourned to the call of the president.
Pursuant to call, the third annual meeting took place, Thursday, September 23, 1875, at the Salt Creek bridge, on the Lincoln and Mt. Pulaski road. By eleven o'clock in the morning, the grove was crowded with buggies and family wagons and carriages. A basket dinner followed, to which strangers were invited. David W. Clark, the president of the association, called the meeting to order and S. Linn Beidler was chosen secretary. Rev. John England, being called out, told of coming to Sangamon County, with his parents, in 1819. He was then eight years old. His father had come the year before and located a claim on the south side of the Sangamon River and having cleared the land and planted a crop, returned to Kentucky for the family. He thought it was only right that the rising generations should be taught what privations and poverty the early settlers endured, in order that posterity might enjoy the fruits of their ancestors' labors.
Robert B. Latham said that he was a child of one of the first settlers and came to the county, when he was a little over a year old; that fifty-seven years ago, there was not a white person in the county; that those present were simply the children of the real pioneers; that his father settled at Elkhart Grove in 1819, built a cabin in February and the family came in September; that Robert Musick settled on Sugar Creek, the fall of 1819; that his first recollection of a plow, was one wholly made of wood—a bar share, the next was the Cary plow, the share of which was of iron; that his father used to go to Edwardsville, a distance of one hundred miles to mill, later there was a mill built on the Sangamon and in 1822, his father built a horse mill at Elkhart.
Joshua Day said he came to the county, forty years ago; he landed first at Nauvoo, Ill., having left Massachusetts, when twenty-one years old; near Nauvoo, he saw Black Hawk and over 500 Indians; he had only six "bits" when he came and he shook with ague nine months; that year, he helped bury three of his neighbors and there were no doctors in the country; he would have gone back, but he couldn't, and the impossibility of returning, gave him the pluck to endure; afterwards he went to the Lake Fork country, which was healthier; the Buckles, Lucases and Scroggins had preceded him; when scouring plows came in, one of his neighbors stuck to his wooden plow, for three years, for fear the new plow would "kill the ground." He also described an old-fashioned wedding, with the accompanying fiddling, dancing and racing for the bottle.
Leonard K. Scroggin said that his father and mother came to Illinois in 1811, and he was born in the southern part of the state in 1819; he came to Logan County in 1827 and had remained here ever since. In fifty years, in his judgment, this would be one of the greatest countries in the world. John T. Hackney said he came to the county, forty-one years ago; that in 1840, the county polled less than 500 votes; that his father began teaching in 1836, in a log cabin, within one hundred yards of where the audience was then seated; it was called "Brush College." James Randolph said he came forty-five years ago, before the winter of the deep snow. James F. Hyde read a poem, entitled "The Pioneers." D. W. Clark said that he came to the county in 1841; that in 1843, he was present at an "infare," at which Dick Oglesby, Seth Post, and a lot of other young fellows from Decatur were present; the family lived in a small house and the guests expected to go to Yankeetown for lodgings, but a rain came up and they were forced to remain and sleep on the floor; he remembered that Oglesby made a pillow of a skillet, which he had turned upside down for that purpose.
At the speaker's stand the following relics were exhibited: An old fashioned strap rail, such as was used on the first railroad; a two-tined fork, once the property of David Clark's great-great-grandfather, a pair of deer antlers and some preserved ground cherries. Mrs. George Turley was declared to be the oldest living person, born in the county. She was then fifty-two years old. Officers were elected as follows: President, David W. Clark; Vice President, Robert B. Latham; Secretary, S. Linn Beidler; Treasurer, L. K. Scroggin; Executive Committee, Frank Fisk, James Coddington, Sylvester Strong, John D. Gillett, John Buckles. It was also voted to hold the next reunion at Latham's Park, at Lincoln.
The fourth reunion occurred at Lincoln, Tuesday, October 10, 1876. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the exercises were held in the Court House, instead of at Latham's Park, as originally intended. The Court House was crowded. President Clark presided. Henry Johnson, being called out, said that he came from Indiana to Logan County in 1826. He exhibited a buckskin vest, which he said was one hundred years old and was worn by his father at his own wedding. He said that at first, they did their milling at Elkhart, then at a mill built on the Kickapoo. Jacob Judy said that the first marriage license bought in Tazewell County was paid for with coon skins. Uncle Joshua Houser wanted to know what they paid the preacher, and Mr. Judy said that they didn't pay him at all. H. I. Warner exhibited a Dutch bible, which was 131 years old; a Dutch hymn book 190 years old; a guitar, owned by his father, 114 years old, and other antiquities. The president requested all of those who were in the state, the winter of the "deep snow" to arise to their feet and thirty-one responded. Mr. Fisk displayed some relics exhibited by R. H. Spader, which included some petrified wood; three hoes dug up, on the banks of the Kickapoo, in 1874, in an old Indian burying ground, at the depth of fourteen feet; two tomahawks, one found on Sugar Creek and one on Salt Creek.
Robert B. Latham said that he had been here longer than any one then living, having come in 1819 and that there was scarcely a forty acre lot, in the Elkhart woods, over which he had not chased a wolf. Rev. John England spoke of the custom of the girls going barefooted until within sight of the church and then sitting down and putting on their shoes and stockings; said that people made their calculations to have the ague, just the same as they did to have winter; that the table used in their family had been made from a split tree and their churn from a hollow buckeye tree; that they went to Edwardsville to mill, paid one dollar a bushel for corn and that the flies were so bad, on the prairie, that it impeded travel in the day time. Judge Matheny, of Springfield, then delivered the address of the day, discussing, at length, matters in connection with the past, present and future of the country. Officers were elected as follows: President, David W. Clark; Vice President, Robert B. Latham; Secretary, Frank Fisk; Treasurer, L. K. Scroggin; Executive Committee, David W. Clark, Frank Fisk, T. J. Larison, James Tuttle.
The fifth reunion occurred at Lincoln, Wednesday, September 5, 1877. Threatening weather again drove the old settlers from Latham's Park, to Gillett's hall, where the exercises were held. In calling the meeting to order, President Clark noted the death of James Randolph, Thomas Lushbough and Mrs. Jabez Capps. J. M. Edwards, being called out, said that he came to the Lake Fork country in 1829 and bought land of Mr. Buckles and that, at that time, Springfield was a town of about one hundred log cabins. He spoke of the struggles of the pioneers, of grating corn for meal and of traveling long distances to mill. William M. Allen said that the first mill on Salt Creek had no roof over it, that they bolted the flour by hand and that when the miller turned on the water, he ran, for fear the mill would fall. Joshua Houser said he came to the state in 1835, when it was very thinly settled amd; narrated incidents of pioneer life. William B. Bock said that he came to the county in 1839 and entered land a mile from the timber and that the neighbors laughed at him, saying that the country would never be settled that far from the timber. John Critz said that he came to Rocky Ford in 1827 and at that time he wouldn't have taken prairie land for a gift. Rev. J. R. Lowrence said that he came to the state in 1830 and had lived here continuously since; that he camped at the foot of the hill below where Postville was afterward laid out. David W. Clark was re-elected President; Robert B. Latham, Vice President; Frank Fisk, Secretary and L. K. Scroggin, Treasurer.
The sixth reunion was held at the Court House at Lincoln, on Thursday, September 12, 1878. President Clark called the meeting to order and exhibited an old lance for bleeding horses, picked up by James St. Clair, the grandfather of Mrs. James Musick, on one of the battlefields of the Revolution in 1776. Mr. St. Clair had served six years in the Colonial army, taking part in the battles of Lexington, Bunker Hill, Monmouth and other struggles of the Revolution. Jacob Judy and M. M. Albright responded to calls for addresses. Sylvester Strong said that his grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier, under Ethan Allen, and had twice been taken prisoner by the Indians, escaping both times. Mr. Strong said that he came to Illinois in 1834, by way of Cairo; that he came north to Pinckneyville, with a companion, both buying ponies and journeying on to this vicinity, and that near the present site of Lincoln, they scared up two wolves and a herd of fifteen deer. Rev. J. H. Bates said he came to Illinois in the spring of 1830, the year before the "deep snow;" with others, he made a trip, during the "deep snow," fifteen miles distant, to secure some corn meal for food, and the drifts were so deep and solid that they went right over the fences with their sleds; the same year he passed within a half mile of the present site of Lincoln, on his way to Chicago overland. William Buckles said he was born in 1814 and he recounted a hunting incident, whereby he became known as "Raccoon Billy." An extended communication was read, from the pen of Charles S. Capps, with reminiscences of early days. The following officers were elected: President, Jacob Judy; Vice President, Christopher C. Ewing; Secretary, Frank Fisk; Assistant Secretary, W. P. Randolph; Treasurer, L. K. Scroggin; Executive Committee, John Hepperly, Edward G. Lawrence and James M. Larison.
The seventh reunion was held at Lincoln, in the Court House, September 10, 1879. President Jacob Judy called the meeting to order and R. C. Maxwell was made Secretary pro tern. Mrs. William Rankin exhibited a number of heirlooms. Rev. John England addressed the meeting, detailing incidents of pioneer times. A. H. Goodpasture said he came to Illinois in 1836 and gave reminiscences of traveling the country as an itinerant preacher. He said he saw some hard times, but never missed getting something to eat. David W. Clark talked at length of the old pioneers who had passed away since the organization of the Association. Norman Sumner said he came in 1849 and the first house he lived in had neither glass nor iron in its construction and that it was common to attend log rollings and house raisings for twenty or twenty-five days each session. Col. R. B. Latham also spoke of early vicissitudes and trials. David W. Clark was elected President, Robert B. Latham Vice President, R. C. Maxwell Secretary, and L. K. Scroggin Treasurer.
The eighth reunion was held at Mt. Pulaski, Thursday, August 12, 1880. The citizens of Mt. Pulaski made elaborate preparations to entertain all who should come and were rewarded by a large attendance. The meeting was the most successful yet held. By a rule adopted that year, all settlers who came to Illinois prior to 1840, were deemed "old settlers." Over 200 were enrolled. They were each presentd with a handsome badge. In addition, those who came prior to the "deep snow" were presented with a cane. The meeting was presided over by David W. Clark and Charles S. Capps acted as Secretary. The committee on arrangements were S. Linn Beidler, M. Wemple and W. P. Sawyer. The gathering was held in the park, surrounding the old court house, where a large platform and an ample number of seats had been provided. The citizens of Mt. Pulaski had also added the barbecue feature to the occasion and free dinner was furnished all old settlers.
After the opening exercises, M. Wemple delivered an address of welcome, after which, Rev. D. P. Bunn delivered the oration of the day. Mr. Bunn said that he was born in Ohio, came west in 1836, locating first at Bloomington, later going to Iowa, but returning soon after to Logan County. He spoke of the old wooden mold-board plow, detailed personal experiences and spoke in affectionate terms of the old settlers who had passed away, naming several who had been especially well known. He referred to the hearty hospitality of the people of the early times; to the prevalent idea, then, that the prairies would never be settled, but would remain permanently as public pasture lands; to the journeys to the mill, sixty miles away, taking a week to make the trip; to "Brush College," a name given to the school house on Salt Creek, in which he used to teach, built, as it was, of round logs, with greased paper windows and slab writing desks. He was followed by Rev. Isaac Kretzinger, one of Logan County's early preachers, after which dinner was served. There was a spread of good eatables including roast pigs and sheep. The ox, which was to have been roasted whole, was cooked by steam and was made so tender that it would not hold together for roasting, hence it went in as boiled.
After dinner, a number of relics were exhibited. Letters were also read from James Dougherty, Mrs. Mary Buckles, John Buckles and Charles S. Capps. Other addresses were made by Rev. John Wilson, John F. Miles, John J. McGraw, E. H. Robb, D. W. Clark and Samuel McGarvey. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, D. W. Clark; Vice President, R. B. Latham; Secretary, Frank Fisk; Treasurer, L. K. Scroggin.
The ninth reunion occurred at the Atlanta fair grounds, on Tuesday, September 6, 1881. Judge John M. Scott, of Bloomington, presided. He delivered an address that dealt largely with pioneer life, as exemplified in the early settlement of the state. George W. Minier delivered the address of welcome. The main speech of the day was made by Governor Shelby M. Cullom. Gov. Cullom spoke of the traits of character of the early settlers of Illinois and contrasted their sociable ways with the hurrying, unsociable life of today. He referred to the changes that had taken place and said that the log cabin represented the life of the pioneers. His father's first house was a double cabin, built of unhewn logs in 1830, the year before the "deep snow." Tazewell County, in which his father then lived, had only been organized three years. Sangamon County was established in 1821, and included much of the central part of the state, reaching nearly to La Salle. He said that he was raised on a pioneer farm.
The reunion was held at the Atlanta fair grounds, in 1881, on account of the special movement begun there, the year before, looking to the erection on the fair grounds of a "memorial log cabin." Invitations had been issued to the old settlers of Logan, McLean, Tazewell and De Witt counties. Silk badges were provided to distinguish the old settlers, red for those who had been in the state for fortyyears, and blue for those who had resided in Illinois fifty years or over. Old Settlers were admitted to the fair grounds free.
The log cabin is a substantial one, 18 by 20 feet. It was completed August 16, 1881. All old settlers had been requested to contribute a log or piece of timber for the building. The committee on building were Sylvester Strong, David Bowles and E. S. Ewing for Logan County, Jacob Funk and Ed Stubblefield for McLean, L. M. Stroud and E. Hieronymous for Tazewell County, and E. H. Robb and William Teal for De Witt County. The material was on the ground and ready for use by July 1st. Some of the logs were hauled or shipped for twenty miles. Those superintending the construction were John A. Houser and George I. Harry for Logan County, A. T. Orr and Jesse Stubblefield for McLean County, Ellis Roberts and Oliver Mason for Tazewell County, Samuel Hough and Joseph B. Garrett for De Witt County.
The old settlers contributing to this log cabin were as follows: Michael and John F. Albright, James R. and Ephraim G. Adams, Charles D. Allen, J. T. David and George Atchison, H. Armington Jefferson, William S. and R. M. Britt, John Buckles, William and Thomas Burt, Samuel Bevan, David Bowles, P. T., Elza M., and James M. Brooks, Lewis, John, Hamilton and Prettyman Barr, F. M. Brock, Mrs. P. M. Beverly, James and Levi Biggs, R. H. Baker, W. F. Baldwin, Alfred Bryan, J. G. Carlock, S. J. Chapin, Levi Cantrall, David Davis (Ex-Judge of the United States Supreme Court), John M. and B. Darnall, E. Davenport, Thomas H. Dills, C. C. and E. S. Ewing, S. B. Evans, B. F. Jacob, G. W. and J. W. Funk, Mary A. Folts, Samuel P. Glenn, John D. Gillett, Mary and Alexander Groves, Michael Hittle, Enoch and William Hieronymous, J. W. Hammitt, John A., Frank, J. E., J. L., L. M., Abigal, C. D., C. C., and F. M. Hoblit, Caleb, Sylvester, Lorenzo and Green Hainline, Madison Howard, John and Lemuel Houghton, S. P. Hough, George I. Harry, John Harmon, Jacob, D. H. and R. M. Judy, Freeman and William Jones, Mr. Kitchell, Dennis and Ezra Kenyon, R. B. Latham, Thomas J., Abel and James M. Larison, William Lee, John Longworth, John J. McGraw, G. W. Minier, Oliver Mason, W. J. Murphy, J. Merriam, Marvel and Gambrel, F. M. Maddox, S. O. McCollough, W. W. Morgan, George and William Motintioy. Abram Onstott, C. R. Pierce, Albert Quisenberry, T. Rutledge, George and E. H. Robb, Wilson Richmond, J. C. Riley, Mrs. Smith Stroud, J. P. Strange, Sylvester and John Strong, John, Jesse, Ed, Abner, G. M. and C. W. Stubblefield, John Thomas, William Teel, Thomas Taylor, Alfred Turner, Isaac Vanordstrand, W. A. Verry, J. and R. Warlow, Campbell Wakefield.
The tenth reunion was also in the nature of a "barbecue" and was held at Mt. Pulaski, Wednesday, September 13, 1882. The formal exercises were held in the public square and the stand was erected at the west front of the old court house. Upon a table were displayed many relics of early times, mainly in the form of home-made linens, one being 120 years old. A primitive stove, said to be the first ever used in the county, was shown. The oldest person present was Mrs. Elizabeth Hilliard, of near Lake Fork station, who was 101 years of age. The morning addresses were made by Robert B. Latham, of Lincoln, and James H. Matheny and R. W. Diller, of Springfield.
The "barbecue" was the greatest ever held in the county. The south side of the square was filled with tables, making a total length of over 3,000 feet. These were set with dishes. There was no lack of meat, as an enormous steam chest had cooked six and a half beeves, twelve hogs and thirteen sheep, and other supplies were furnished in proportion. This steam chest was sixteen feet long, seven feet high, with five sets of shelving, upon which the meats were placed. A forty-pound pressure of steam was turned on the first batch at two o'clock in the afternoon of the day before the meeting, and the chest was opened at seven o'clock. showing the meat thoroughly cooked. A second batch was cooked between nine and twelve o'clock, immediately after. Just before the dinner, steam was turned into an eighty-gallon hogshead of water, which, in ten minutes became that much coffee. Over 400 gallons of coffee were made and given away. In the afternoon addresses were made by Gov. Richard J. Oglesby, Judge Lacey, John T. Stuart, C. J. White and others. There were over 1,300 old settlers who registered during the day and the total attendance was estimated at 15,000.

** See below for information on the ribbon.
The eleventh reunion occurred at Mt. Pulaski, September 12, 1883. The exercises were held, as usual, in the public square, a stand and seats having been erected for the occasion. Badges were distributed to the old settlers registering and canes given to the "snow birds." Impromptu addresses were made by David W. Clark, Rev. John England, David Rudolph, Jacob Judy, David Patterson, Albert Barger, Fred Joynt, Robert B. Latham, Frank Fisk, Joshua Day and others. The old list of officers, which had not been changed since 1880, was again made the list for the ensuing year.
The twelfth reunion was a "double bill" and occupied two days, namely, Wednesday and Thursday, September 10 and n, 1884. The first day was extremely hot, but it was estimated that about 5,000 people were in attendance. The address of the day was made by Carter H. Harrison, former mayor of Chicago, who was that year a candidate for Governor of Illinois. Other addresses were made by John Campbell, of De Witt County, and Joshua Day and Fred Joynt.
The second day addresses were made by J. H. Rowell, of Bloomington, candidate for re-election to Congress, S. L. Wallace, Robert Humphrey, M. Wemple and others. Presents were awarded as follows: Oldest person present, Mrs. Elizabeth Hilliard, 103 years old; oldest man present, Robert Downing; mother of the largest family of children, Mrs. James Devers; oldest woman present, born in the county, Mrs. George Turley, sixty-three years old; oldest settler who had killed the most deer, Roland Birks; most successful turkey hunter, L. K. Scroggin; man who first drove an ox team over Mt. Pulaski hill, William Buckles; heaviest lady present, Mrs. William Copeland, 365 pounds; oldest gentleman smoker, William Buckles; oldest lady smoker, Mrs Elizabeth Hilliard; oldest stock buyer, Jabez Capps; first man to drive stock to the market from Mt. Pulaski hill, L. K. Scroggin; oldest man present, Jabez Capps. After the awarding of the prizes, fifteen of the oldest ladies took a ride around the square in a wagon drawn by oxen.
The thirteenth reunion occurred at Lincoln, August 26, 1885. The program opened with music by Hoover's band, followed by prayer by Rev. J. A. Chase. "Daddy Rankin's band," well known to the early settlers, being composed of the members of the Rankin family, then furnished a number, after which an address of welcome was delivered by James T. Hoblit, and a response thereto by David W. Clark. The latter noted the recent deaths of Rev. John England and William M. Allen. Short addresses were made by the following old settlers: Joshua Day, J. A. Kestler, Frank Fisk, Jacob Judy, Peter Bruner, John Hepperly, Stephen Clarno, W. D. Wyatt, R. B. Latham, Rev. C. G. Keowan, Reed Marquardt and Edmund ("Daddy") Rankin. The latter said he had come to this state in 1836 and had swam every river from Philadelphia to the Mississippi.
A new constitution having been adopted, provided for the election of vice presidents, one from each township, these vice presidents to meet in July of each year to decide upon the time and place of the next reunion. The following officers were elected in 1885: President, D. W. Clark; Secretary, Frank Fisk; Vice Presidents,—Aetna, William Donnan; Atlanta, Jacob Judy; Broadwell, George W. Read; Chester, John O'Connor; Corwin, Jeremiah McMullen; East Lincoln, R. B. Latham; Elkhart, Joshua Day; Eminence, Peter Bruner; Hurlbut, W. H. Van Meter; Lake Fork, Henry Hall; Laenna, Albert Tomlinson; Mt. Pulaski, John Buckles; Oran, W. S. Curry; Orvil, David Bowles; Prairie Creek, T. J. Chesnut (Chesnutt?); Sheridan, W. H. McMurphy; West Lincoln,. John Reed. There were over 600 old settlers registered at this meeting.
The forteenth reunion met at Lincoln in August of 1886. President D. W. Clark called the meeting to order.. Edmund Lynch, of Lincoln, on behalf of Mayor Rock and the city of Lincoln, delivered an address of welcome, which was responded to by the President of the Association. Music was furnished by "Daddy Rankin's band." Short talks were made by Edmund Rankin, Sylvester Strong, Joshua Day, Frank Fisk, R. B. Latham, Col. Hough, Peter Bruner, John Kestler, J. T. Rudolph, Rev. Mr. Ritter and others. A large number of heirlooms were exhibited. The following were chosen as Vice Presidents for the ensuing year: William Donnan, William S. Curry, George W. Read, Peter Bruner, David Bowles, Jacob Judy, T. J. Chesnut, John Reed, William Latham, Joshua Day, W. H. McMurphy, John O'Connor and A. H. H. Van Meter, Henry Hall, Robert Rayburn, John Buckles, R. B. Tomlinson.
The fifteenth reunion occurred at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1887. President D. W. Clark again presided. An address of welcome was delivered by R. V. Mallory. The principal address of the day was given by Judge Thomas F. Tipton, of Blopmington, who gave reminiscences of early days on the bench. Addresses were also made by Strother Jones, Judge James Matheny and Thomas Rees, all of Springfield. The Buffalo Hart and Illiopolis bands furnished music. The following Vice Presidents were elected: Jacob Judy, William Donnan, Ben C. Warrick, John O'Conner, R. A. Rayburn, R. B. Latham, Peter Bruner, Joshua Day, William H. Van Meter, Henry Hall, A. H. Tomlinson, S. B. Lincoln, William H. Curry, David Rail, T. J. Chesnut, W. H. McMurphy and B. P. Andrews.
The sixteenth reunion was held in Latham's Park, in Lincoln, in September of 1888. Music was furnished by the State Asylum Band of Lincoln. Short talks were made by D. W. Clark, President of the Association, Rev. J. A. Chase, Peter Bruner, John Fletcher, David Bowles, A. C. McMahan, Joshua Day, R. B. Latham, William Pettit, Jeremiah Green and Stephen Clarno. The names of 287 old settlers were enrolled at this meeting. The following Vice Presidents were elected: Jacob Judy, William Donnan, B. C. Warrick, R. A. Rayburn, L. D. Downing, C. M. Knapp, Peter Bruner, Joshua Day, W. H. Van Meter, Elisha Crane, D. W. Clark, John O'Conner, Andrew Johnston, David Bowles, T. J. Chesnut, R. A. Talbott and John Wigginton.
The seventeenth reunion took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1889. Robert B. Latham, the new President of the Association, called the meeting to order. The principal address was made by Judge Nelson, of Decatur. Short talks were made by D. W. Clark, W. P. Randolph, Rev. L. M. Robinson and J. T. Rudolph. The Vice Presidents of the year before were all re-elected. In connection with this meeting, a reunion of the 106th Illinois Infantry was held. A regular organization was formed with Col. R. B. Latham as President, Captain David Vanhise as Secretary and Captain D. H. Harts as Treasurer. Short addresses were made by Maj. M. Wemple, Capt. Harts and J. B. Curry.
The eighteenth Old Settlers' reunion occurred at Lincoln in September of 1890. Governor Oglesby delivered the principal address. He made one of his characteristic talks. Among other things he said that he thought the tillable land in this county was worth seventy-five dollars an acre and that many of the old settlers present would yet live to see the time when the price of Logan County land would be worth $100 per acre! (It might be noted, in this connection, that some of the old settlers who heard this remark, have lived to see Logan County land sell for $250 an acre, as it has already done in 1910 at public auction, and other lands are being held for $300 per acre.— Editor.) Other addresses were made at this meeting by R. B. Latham, Jacob Judy and Jeremiah Green. Bicycle races and exhibition runs by the Phoenix Fire Department of Mt. Pulaski, were features of the day's exercises. The following Vice Presidents were selected: Laban Yoder, Jacob Judy, Sinnett Rankin, R. H. Rayburn, M. Wemple, C. M. Knapp, Richard J. Oglesby, Peter Bruner, W. H. Van Meter, Noah Allison, N. P. Gasaway, John O'Conner, J. H. Hammerton, David Bowles, J. C. Leavitt, Jacob Isonhart and Squire Foster.
The nineteenth Old Settlers' gathering was held at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1891. Addresses were made on this occasion by Judge Thomas F. Tipton, of Bloomington, and Lawrence B. Stringer of Lincoln. Short talks were made by R. W. Diller, of Springfield, and Rev. Mr. Elder, D. W. Clark and J. Stafford. Vice Presidents were elected as follows: Andrew Turner, William Donnan, D. K. Turley, R. A. Rayburn, L. D. Downing, C. M. Knapp, J. B. Curry, R. J. Oglesby, N. E. Constant, N. P. Gasaway, R. D. Clark, Jabez Capps, Andrew Armstrong, David Bowles, T.J. Chesnut, R. A. Talbott and John Wigginton.
The twentieth meeting of the Logan County Old Settlers' Association was held at Lincoln, September 14, 1892. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the exercises were held in the Court House. David Hum-mell presided. Addresses were made by J. E. Jewett, David Bowles, R. B. Latham, Joseph Hawkins, Peter Bruner, A. M. Caldwell, Arthur Quisenberry, Abel Larison and others. The following Vice Presidents were chosen from the several townships: James Shores, Thomas Laughery, J. A. Critchfield, A. B. Hageman, R. A. Rayburn, R. B. Latham, Richard J. Oglesby, Peter Bruner, N. E. Constant, Christopher Suedmier, N. P. Gasaway, John Buckles, Thomas B. Short, James W. Howser, Jeremiah Leavitt, R. A. Talbott and David Hummell.
The twenty-first reunion took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1893. S. Linn Beidler delivered an address of welcome, which was briefly responded to by the President of the Association, David Hummell. The principal address of the day was made by Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln. Short addresses were made by Elder Dabney and Rev. J. A. Burks. The following township Vice Presidents were elected: James Shores, Thomas Laughery, John A. Critchfield, R. H. Templeman, R. A. Rayburn, N. E. Pegram, H. A. Baldwin, F. Applegate, W. H. Van Meter, C. Suedmier, N. P. Gasaway, S. Linn Beidler, T. B. Short, James W. Howser, Jeremiah Leavitt, A. W. Beaver and David Hummell.
The twenty-second meeting of the Association occurred at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1894. R. H. Templeman presided. Over 1,200 old settlers' badges were given out at this meeting. Addresses were made by William Springer and James A. Connelly, of Springfield, candidates for Congress; also by Gen. John A. McClernard and R. W. Diller, of Springfield. The following Vice Presidents were selected: David Hummell, Joseph Wilbanks, J. T. Foster, John A. Critchfield, N. P. Gasaway, William Armstrong, A. B. Nicholson, Robert Clark, Abel Larison, Henry Shirley, A. M. Caldwell, John Strong. Thomas Laughery, Richard J. Oglesby, R. H. Templeman, Jeremiah Leavitt and S. L. Beidler.
The twenty-third Old Settlers' meeting occurred at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1895. Richard H. Templeman, President of the Association, called the meeting to order. S. Linn Beidler was Secretary and T. A. Scroggin Treasurer. The principal address of the day was made by Judge Gross, of Springfield. The Vice Presidents selected at the last meeting were re-elected.
The twenty-fourth reunion of the old settlers of the county was held at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1896. Addresses were made by Maj. James A. Connelly, of Springfield, Arthur A. Leeper, of Cass County, William Baker, of Taylorville, A. L. Anderson and Wilford D. Wyatt, of Lincoln, and Rev. L. M. Robinson, of Mt. Pulaski. Township Vice Presidents were selected as follows: R. H. Templeman, David Hummell, J. W. Wilbanks, J. T. Foster, John A. Critchfield, J. T. Rudolph, Thomas Price, A. J. Ludlam, J. C. Leavitt, S. Linn Beidler, N. P. Gasaway, William Armstrong, W. H. Kretzinger, James McCormick, Thomas J. Patterson and Thomas Brennan. R. H. Templeman presided at the meeting.
The twenty-fifth reunion took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1897. By this time it had become almost a custom to hold these meetings at Mt. Pulaski. The speakers on this occasion were Col. H. B. Reeves, of Bloomington, Rev. J. A. Kumler, of Clinton, W. B. Lloyd and William Baker, of Taylorville. The Vice Presidents for the several townships were selected as follows: David Hummell, Joseph Wilbanks, John A. Critchfield, J. T. Galford, Henry Hall, J, T. Gelsthorpe, J. T. Rudolph, W. H. Kretzinger, Abel Larison, John Malone, Thomas H. Price, A. J. Ludlam, Thomas Patterson, H. A. Baldwin and J. C. Leavitt.
The twenty-sixth reunion also occurred at Mt. Pulaski in the fall of 1898. This meeting was notable in that it marked the last public address of Gov. Ogelsby and his prophetic utterance as to it being the last old settlers' meeting he would ever attend. Gov. Oglesby was somewhat feeble, but still seemed as if he might be able to meet many more times with the old settlers. His prophecy came true, for six months later he passed away. Speaking of this address, the Lincoln Herald said: "Gov. Oglesby pictured with swift, effective strokes the life of the pioneer who had seen Illinois for three score years and who, near the close of his days, looks back upon it all with pathetic recollections of the stilled voices and vanished forms of the friends of his youth and a poignant conviction of the evanescent character of all earthly things. It was an address to dwell upon; in memory, and not a few of those present wondered, regretfully, if it were indeed true, that their old friend would never again address them and move them to tears and laughter by the powers of his eloquence." Other addresses were made by B. F. Caldwell, of Springfield, and I. R. Mills, of Decatur, candidates for Congress. The Vice Presidents for the various townships were chosen, as follows: David Hummell, Joseph Wilbanks, John A. Critchfield, John Long, N. P. Gasaway, Thomas Sullivan, George I. Harry, W. H. Kretzinger, Abel Larison, J. P. Malone, T. H. Price, A. P. Miller, Thomas Patterson, H. A. Baldwin, J. C. Leavitt, R. H. Templeman, S. Linn Beidler.
The twenty-seventh reunion occurred, as usual, at Mt. Pulaski, in the fall of 1899. Special efforts were made to draw a crowd at this meeting and special features of entertainment offered. These resulted in the assembling of an immense number of people, some 6,000 people being present. A feature of the exercises was a sham battle, representative of the charge up San Juan Hill, in the Spanish-American war, Mt. Pulaski Hill being substituted for the Cuban elevation. Two hundred and fifty members of the Fifth Regiment, of Springfield, under command of Maj. Cabannis, participated in this sham engagement. The principal addresses of the day were delivered by O. F. Berry, of Carthage, J. M. Graham and Congressman B. F. Caldwell, of Springfield. Short addresses were made by David Hummell, J. E. Hill and R. W. Diller. John Buckles was awarded a prize, as the oldest settler present. R. H. Templeman presided at the meeting and S. L. Beidler acted as Secretary. The Vice Presidents selected at the former meeting were re-elected.
The twenty-eighth reunion of the Logan County Old Settlers' Association met at Mt. Pulaski, in September of 1900. R. H. Templeman, President of the Association, called the meeting to order. Addresses were made by Samuel Alschuler, Democratic candidate for Governor of Illinois, and Richard Yates, Republican candidate for the same office. L. Y. Sherman, of Macomb, also delivered an address. The Vice Presidents selected were as follows: David Hummell, Joseph Wilbanks, John A. Critchfield, John Long, N. P. Gasaway, Thomas Sullivan, J. E. Hill, W. H. Kretzinger, Abel Larison, Thomas H. Price, John Malone, A. J. Ludlam, Thomas Patterson, H. A. Baldwin and J. C. Leavitt.
The twenty-ninth reunion of old settlers met at Mt. Pulaski in the fail of 1901, about the usual time and at the usual place. The principal address was delivered by Robert H. Patton, of Springfield, who spoke at length upon the great improvement that had taken place, along all lines, since the pioneers first pitched their cabins in Central Illinois. Richard H. Templeman presided at the meeting and S. L. Beidler acted as Secretary. Substantially the same township Vice Presidents were chosen as had served the previous year.
The thirtieth reunion of the County Old Settlers' Association took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1902, and was the occasion of the assembling together of the usual large crowds which had been accustomed to gather on these occasions. David Hummell had been selected the new President of the Association at the meeting of the Vice Presidents in July and presided at this reunion. S. Linn Beidler acted as Secretary. Addresses were made by Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln, John A. Sterling and Z. F. Yost, of Pontiac, the two latter being candidates for Congress. Short addresses were also made by a number of old settlers.
The thirty-first reunion took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1903. David Hummell presided. Mayor W. H. Clear, of Mt. Pulaski, delivered the address of welcome. The principal addresses of the day were delivered by Vespation Warner, of Clinton, and B. F. Caldwell, of Springfield. Township Vice Presidents were chosen as follows: Aetna, Thomas F. Whitaker; Laenna, Abraham Lucas; Orvil, David Bowles; Oran, B. Sullivan; Corwin, J. T. Foster; Elkhart, Henry Stahl; Broadwell, Ben C. Warrick; Sheridan, A. W. Beaver; Prairie Creek, T. J. Chesnut; Hurlbut, Joseph Wilbanks; Chester, Clark Gallagher; Mt. Pulaski, R. H. Templeman; Atlanta, Abel Larison; Lake Fork, Thomas Howe; Eminence, H. A. Ludlam; West Lincoln, David Hummell.
The thirty-second reunion was held at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1904. Addresses were made by Robert Humphrey and Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln, followed by shorter talks by various old settlers present. The Vice Presidents selected for the various townships in 1903 were continued in the same position, except in the following townships, where the person named was selected: Aetna, W. B. Hagenbusch; Laenna, George Kiick; Corwin, John Long; Chester, Jesse England; East Lincoln, George I. Harry.
The thirty-third reunion was held at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1905. David Hummell presided at the meeting and T. H. Smedley acted as Secretary. The principal address was delivered by Jesse Black, of Pekin. The Vice Presidents for the several townships, who acted in that capacity the year previous, were re-elected.
The thirty-fourth reunion of the old settlers of the county took place at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1906. The principal addresses were made by James M. Graham, of Springfield, and Dr. J. A. Lucas, of Lincoln. The following Vice Presidents were chosen: Prairie Creek, T. J. Chestnut; Orvil, S. J. Woland; Eminence, A. P. Miller; Atlanta, Abel Larison; Sheridan, A. W. Beaver; West Lincoln, David Hummell; East Lincoln, D. L. Braucher; Oran, Ben Sullivan; Corwin, John Long; Broadwell, B. C. Warrick; Chesnut, Jesse England; Aetna, W. B. Hage-busch; Hurlbut, Joseph Wilbanks; Elkhart, Henry Stahl; Mt. Pulaski, R. H. Templeman; Laenna, N. P. Gasaway; Lake Fork, T. D. Howe.
The thirty-fifth reunion occurred at Mt. Pulaski in September of 1907.. David Hummell presided and T. H. Smedley was Secretary. The speakers of the day were Gov. Charles S. Deneen, of Springfield, and Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln. Short talks were made by various old settlers present. The township Vice Presidents selected at the previous reunion were re-elected.
The thirty-sixth reunion also occurred at Mt. Pulaski, September n, 1908. The attendance was estimated at 5,000 people. Solomon J. Woland, the newly elected President of the Association, presided at this meeting, and Elias Buckles was chosen Secretary. The township Vice Presidents were again re-elected. The addresses on this occasion were made by Adlai E. Stevenson, of Bloomington, and Lawrence B. Stringer, of Lincoln.
The thirty-seventh meeting of the Old Settlers' Association took place at Mt. Pulaski, August 5, 1909, with S. J. Woland as President, R. H. Templeman as Vice President, and Elias Buckles as Secretary. An automobile parade was one of the features of the day's exercises. Addresses were made by Dr. J. H. McMurray, of Lincoln College, Congressman John A. Sterling, of Bloomington, and Adjutant General Frank S. Dixon, of Springfield. Engraved spoons were presented the five old settlers present who had been in the state the longest period of time, previous winners being barred. The following were the recipients of the spoons, with date of coming to the state annexed to the name: Russell Scroggin, Mt. Pulaski, 1822; George W. Read, Lincoln, 1831; Abel Larison, Atlanta, 1830; J. B. Paisley, Lincoln, 1832; Mrs. Jerry Buckles, Mt. Pulaski, 1831. The township Vice Presidents were re-elected with the following changes: Aetna, Thomas Whitaker; Orvil, David Bowles; Mt. Pulaski, J. P. Fowler.
The thirty-eighth reunion took place at Mt. Pulaski, August 24, 1910. The exercises began at 10 o'clock a. m., with a concert by Null's band, after which an automobile parade took place. The car of William Mitchell was made to represent a "prairie schooner," in which was shown a spinning wheel. It was awarded first prize. The regular program began at eleven o'clock a. m. I. H. Snyder delivered an address of welcome, which was responded to by S. J. Woland, President of the Association. Rev. George McConkey, of Mt. Pulaski, led in prayer, after which Rev. Gilbert Jones, of Mt. Pulaski, delivered an address. After dinner, addresses were delivered by Francis G. Blair, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and J. McCann Davis, Clerk of the Supreme Court. The two oldest men on the grounds were L. K. Scroggin, born in 1819, and S. B. Lincoln, born in 1820. The two oldest ladies present were Mrs. S. B. Lincoln, born in 1821, and Mrs. Rebecca Meer, born in 1823. The engraved spoons were awarded to Mrs. Lydia Johnson, Mrs. Helena Vetter and Mrs. Mary Broughton.
In addition to the annual reunion of old settlers, at the meetings of the Logan County Old Settlers' Association, above described, since 1880, one day has been set apart each year, at the Atlanta Fair, as Old Settlers' day. This distinction, in these two occurrences, should be noted, however, and that is the former is strictly a Logan County institution, while the Atlanta Fair meetings of old settlers include those of McLean, Tazewell and De Witt counties, as well as Logan, the Atlanta fair being a "union fair" of these four counties. This is highly appropriate, in that Atlanta township of Logan County is historically the key to all four counties, as the territory included in that township was part of Tazewell County from 1827 to 1830, part of McLean County from 1830 to 1839, part of De Witt County from 1839 to 1845, and part of Logan County ever since 1845.
The origination of Old Settlers' day at the Atlanta Fair, dates from September 7, 1880, the first meeting. All residents of the four counties named, who had lived in Illinois forty years, were invited, by the Agricultural Board of the fair, to be present on that occasion, and a large number availed themselves of the opportunity. Robert B. Latham presided, Rev. E. J. Thomas delivered an address of welcome and short talks were then made by Rev. Jonathan Merriam, R. B. Latham, John J. McGraw and Jonathan Casey. It was during this meeting that the idea of erecting a "monumental log cabin" was discussed and decided upon. Committees were at once appointed to carry it into effect. The cabin was erected and ready for dedication on September 6, 1881, at which time the annual reunion of the Logan County Old Settlers' Association was held in conjunction with the reunion of the Atlanta Fair Association. A full account of this combined meeting has already been given, with the details and particulars of the erection and dedication of the log cabin. In 1882, a small cabin of unhewn logs was erected on the grounds, in the construction of which, neither nail nor modern device were used. This cabin was dedicated to the member of the "snowbirds," who came to the state prior to 1831.
Old Settlers' day at the Atlanta Fair was observed in 1883 by suitable exercises, and the principal addresses were delivered by Governor Richard J. Oglesby and Judge David Davis. Beginning with the meeting in 1884, and continuing until the time of his death, the exercises on Old Settlers' days at the Atlanta Fair were presided over by Judge John M. Scott, of Bloomington. In 1884, addresses were made by Judge Scott, Rev. Samuel G. Martin, Capt. J. H. Rowell, and Rev. William Howard, with an address of welcome by Rev. George W. Minier. In 1885, a custom was inaugurated of presenting an engraved spoon, each year, to each of the twelve old settlers who had lived the greatest number of years in the state. Those from Logan County receiving engraved spoons that year and the date of their coming to Illinois, were as follows: Tiney Shores, 1810; Mary Lee, 1812; Christopher C. Ewing, 1821; Jane Estill, 1821. In 1886, the Logan County recipients of spoons were: J. A. Kestler, 1818; L. K. Scroggin, 1819; Naomi Goudy, 1820. The rule was also adopted that parties receiving engraved spoons one year were barred as contestants for the honor in subsequent years. On Old Settlers' day in 1887, Judge Scott was presented with a handsome cane by Sylvester Scott, and the oldest residents of Logan County present on the grounds this year were Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, who came to Illinois in 1817, Wilford D. Wyatt in 1821, and James Estell in 1823. In 1888, addresses were made by Judge John M. Scott, Judge Lawrence Weldon, K. H. Fell, Lafayette Funk, Isaac Vanordstrand and others, and engraved spoons were awarded to the following Logan County old settlers: Mrs. L. J. Davis, came to Illinois in 1815; Mrs. Martha L. Tones, 1817; Mrs. Mary Ann Brooks, 1818. Martha L. Jones was the oldest settler present, having been born in 1814. In 1889, addresses were delivered by Judge Scott, Owen Scott, Robert E. Williams and Judge James Matheny. Engraved spoons were awarded to Logan County old settlers as follows: Freeman Jones, came to Illinois in 1820; John Buckles, 1822; James Shores, 1823; Jacob Judy, 1824; Squire Foster, 1825; Rachel E. Hanger, 1825; Andrew Wright, 1826. In 1890, addresses were made by Judge Scott, Judge Weldon, Robert McNish and others, and engraved spoons were awarded Logan County settlers as follows: John Scroggin, came to Illinois in 1811; Charles Houston, 1822; Ezra Boren, 1824; William Copes, 1824; Coleman Gaines, 1825; James Melrose, 1825.
Since 1894, engraved spoons or medals were awarded the following Logan County old settlers, as being among the twelve settlers from McLean, Tazewell, De Witt and Logan counties present on the grounds, the respective years, who had lived in Illinois the greatest number of years, the date following the name indicating the year they came to Illinois, all who had received spoons or medals in previous years being barred: 1895—Mrs. E. J. Buckles, 1828; Daniel H. Judy, 1829; Mary A. Roach, 1829. 1896—Priscilla Stroud, 1828; Catherine Brock. 1829; Lorenzo D. Downing, 1829. 1897—(souvenirs changed from spoons to badges), Eliza Lloyd, 1824; Abel Larison, 1830; Nancy Copes, 1830. 1898—James M. Brooks, 1832; William P. Stroud, 1832; James Hammitt, 1833; Mary Melrose, 1834. 1900—George W. Read, 1831; Sarah Cheek, 1836; D. Bowles, 1830; E. G. Lawrence, 1836. 1901—W. J. Stillwell, 1827; W. S. Whittaker, 1831; Lucinda Biggs, 1831; W. J. Pettit, 1820; G. R. Quay, 1832. 1902—Charles Capps, 1830; Elizabeth Bowles, 1831; W. S. Dunham. 1831; Mrs. Wilmoth Lucas, 1835; Allen Quisenberry, 1835; H. C. Quisenberry, 1835. 1903—Louise Shores, 1832; R. F. Copes, 1835; Robert R. Quisenberry, 1835; John Strong, 1836; Ruth Lemaster, 1836; Mary Moorehead, 1838; Mary Jane Turner, 1836; Sarah A. Miller, 1834. 1904—J. J. Russell, 1835; Arthur Quisenberry, 1835; J. W. Kline, 1835; Elizabeth Martinie, 1836; Nancy Scott, 1836; Mary Ann Judy, 1836; Sophia Haise, 1836; George Coffman, 1837. 1905—Thomas J. Booker, 1836; J. F. Hyde, 1837; George I. Harry, 1837; Reuben Druly, 1839; Abigail Jones, 1838; Thomas McFarland, 1838; John F. Robinson, 1837. 1906—David Hummell, 1839; Samuel Lindsey, 1839; Frank Hoblit, 1839. 1907— W. T. Bowles, 1833; J. H. Russel, 1835; Albert Quisenberry, 1835; Polly Quisenberry, 1836; B. M. Donnan, 1837; J. W. Robinson, 1839; Albert Turner, 1839; A. H. Martin, 1840. 1908— Nancy Downing, 1838; P. W. Houser, 1839; Ellen Bevan, 1839; A. T. Hays, 1842; Cerelda Turner, 1842. 1909—Mary J. Dills, 1836; J. B. Paisley, 1832; Mrs. George Layman, 1837; Wiley Barnes, 1835; F. G. Sullivan, 1840; Priscilla Ludlam, 1840.
**Ribbon - 1883 Old Settlers ribbon in possession of
Lari Garrison. She found in the old family house at the former Garrison Brothers Christmas tree farm). She believes it originally belonged to James Huston (1830-1907) who married Catharine Poe.
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